See 38th BCS English Written Question Solution in below:


2. Meaning of the word:

a)  Praiseworthy – Notable or commendable

b) Crust – Hard Part

c) Palpably – in a clear way

d) Stagnation- Static Sate or not moving or Lack of activities

e) Wily -Astute or Expert  at gaining an advantage by  deceitfully.

3. Fill in the gaps with appropriate parts of speech.

a) acquiescence (Noun)- acquiesce (Verb)

b) assume (verb)- assumption (Noun)

c) assertion (Noun)- assert (verb)

d) Confidence (noun) – Confident (adjective)

e) believe (verb)- believer (Noun)

4. Give the synonyms for the following words and makes sentences with the synonyms:

a) delude- deceive– They deceive the enemy by disguising the destroyer as a freighter.

b) incontestableindisputable– His patriotism is as indisputable as his genius.


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