পরীক্ষা হয়েছিল গতকালঃ 

পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নের সমাধান নিচেঃ 

বাংলা অংশ সমাধানঃ

১. নিচের কোন বানানটি শুদ্ধঃ শিরশ্ছেদ

২. বিনয়কৃষ্ণ মুখোপাধ্যায়ের ছদ্মনাম কোনটি? যাযাবর

৩. চশমা কোন ভাষার শব্দ? ফারসি

৪. তুমি সকল দেশের রাণী সে যে আমার জন্মভূমি, কার লেখা উক্তি? দ্বিজেন্দ্রলাল রায়

৫. খাতক এর বিপরীত শব্দ? মহাজন

৬. নন্দন শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ? তনয় (পুত্র)

৭. গোকুলের ষাঁড় বাগধারাটির অর্থ কি ? স্বেচ্ছাচারী

৮. কাজলকালো কোন সমাস? উপমান কর্মধারয়

৯. নিচের কোনটি রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের রচনা? চতুরঙ্গ ( উপন্যাস)

১০. যে নারীর স্বামী ও পুত্র নেই? অবীরা

১১. কাজী নজরুল ইসলামের কোন গ্রন্থটি নিষিদ্ধ হয়েছি? বিষের বাঁশি  (কাজী নজরুল ইসলামেরনিষিদ্ধ কাব্যগ্রন্থঃ এগুলো ব্রিটিশ সরকার কর্তৃক বাজেয়াপ্ত হয়েছিল- বিষের বাঁশি, ভাঙ্গার গান, প্রলয়শিখা, যুগবাণী, চন্দ্রবিন্দু )

১২. কবি কায়কোবাদ রচিত ‘মহাশ্মশান’ কাব্যের ঐতিহাসিক পটভূমি ছিল? পানিপথের তৃতীয় যুদ্ধ

১৩. সিতকর অর্থ? চন্দ্র বা চাঁদ

১৪. নিচের কোনটি ভ্রমর অর্থে শুদ্ধ নয়?  মধুময়

১৫. কালের কলস কোন ধরণের রচনা? কাব্য  (কালের কলস (১৯৬৬) আল মাহমুদের রচিত)

English Part Solution:

Similar meaning:

16. Taken to tusk- Rebuked

17. At his wits end- puzzled

18. In Vague- obsolete

19. Fits and starts- irregular

20. gift of the gab- eloquence

Select word missing:

21. Considering how long she had yearned to see italy, her first reaction was curiously tepid. Ans: had

22. Which method of organizing content points did you feel more comfortable? No error

23. He felt no qualms about borrowing money from his friends. Ans: About

24. The ultimate test of a good education is supposed to be that it teaches to think all.  Ans: all

25. Rajshai has one of the lowest motor fatality rate in the country. Ans: the

Sentence replace the underline portion:

26. Every opposition candidates except she was defeated in the election. Ans: Except her was

27. The poor boy…………….Ans: has denied treatment because his parents could not pay upfront.

28. Many people mistakenly………………………..Ans: Many people mistakenly that the market system automatically ensure fair deal.

29. The closing of small………………….Ans: seems as luxuries that we can no longer afford.

30. To insist ………………………….Ans: insisting on an oath of allegiance to the govt. is violating.

Fill in the gap:

31. The technological revolutions of the 21st……..from entirely new sector………..? Ans: are emerging, converge

32. unfortunately ………along……lines.  Ans: mutual ……sound.

33. The……and………the world. Ans: time, ignore

34. Restlessness……..are…….by the elders. Ans: started, favored

35. Healthcare…………life………..neighborhoods.   Ans: Demanding, overstretching

Mathematics Part:

36. 138 years

37. 24 (11*2+2= 24)

38. 19% (100*100= 10000, 85*140= 11900, (11,900-10000)= 1900
1900*100/10000= 19%

39. 30 Days ( Hasan can complete the job in = 24 days
8 days = 1/3 part
And in 12 days= 12/24= 1/2
1-(1/3+1/2)= 1- 5/6= 1/6

1/6 part in = 5 days
=> 1 part in = 30 days

40. 245 ( Rashed= x
Jerin= 140% of x=1.4x
110% of (1.4x-45)= x+45
=> 1.1*1.4x-1.1*45= x+45
=> 1.54x-x= 45+1.1*45
=>. 54x= 45+49.5
=> x= 175
Jerin begin with= 1.4*175= 245

41. 90 ( x+x+10+x+20+x+30= x+40+x+50+x+60
=>4x-3x= 150-60
=> x= 90

42. None ( captain = 26
WC= 30
Let total age= 11x
Avg.= x
When captain and wc excluded the avg= x-1
So, sum= 9*(x-1)
11x-(26+30)= 9x-9
=>2x= 45
=> x= 22.5

43. 180 ( 1/3+ 3/5= 5+9/15= 14/15

Remain= (1-14/15)= 1/15

1/15= 12
=> 1= 180

44. x-y ≥5

45. 37% ( x= 100 w=90 z= 100 y= 70
(100*100)= 10000
3700*100/10000= 37%


47. None (Correct 8 hours)

48. 1:5 ( 70*100/120= 58.33

49. 22%

50. 60 (2,3,5)

60*60= 3600
3600/40= 90
3600/75= 720/15= 48

51. 12, 21,15  ( 21-3= 18 and 15+3= 18)

52. 6.00 ( 50M+30 O= 420
6M= 9O
=> M/O= 9/6
=> 1 O= 6/9 M
50M+30*6/9M= 420
=> 50M+20M= 420
=> 1M= 6

53. None (

= -6.25% loss

(100-6.25)= 93.75
4000—–100*4000/93.75= 4266.66
Loss= 266.66)

54. 4

55. 150-x+z

সাধারণ জ্ঞান অংশ সমাধানঃ

৫৬. What would be the life span of The Bangabandhu Satellite-1?   15 years

৫৭. Which of the following Mineral is found in Moudhapara in Dinajpur District? Hard Rock

৫৮. In which year the first parliamentary election is held in Bangladesh? 1973

৫৯. On which date in 2018 The National Security Energy day 2018 has been observed across the country ? 9 August

৬০. In which of the following district the biggest gas field in Bangladesh is situated? None of these ( Correct Titas Gas field (Brahmanbaria)

৬১. Which of the following is the Coal power station in Bangladesh? Barapukuria

৬২. How many distinguished personalities have been honoured with the Independence Day award 2018 in Bangladesh. Ans: 18

৬৩. In term of land area which one is the biggest district in Bangladesh? Rangamati

৬৪. Which of the following is the highest contributor to the GDP of Bangladesh? Service

৬৫. Hasina a daughter’s tale was directed by? Piplu Khan

৬৬. Where is the headquarter of Islamic Development Bank located? ‎Jeddah (Saudi Arabia)

৬৭. Who is the current secretary general of South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC)? Amjad Hussain B. Sial

৬৮. What is the second geographical indication product of Bangladesh? Hilsa Fish ( First Jamdani)

৬৯. Which of the following is the largest ethnic groups in Bangladesh? Chakma

৭০. Which of the following countries has joined as the 19th EU member country in the club of that use Euro currency? Lithuania

৭১. The NAFTA comprises North America, Canada and —? Mexico

৭২. Which country hosted the BIMSTEC summit 2018? Nepal

৭৩.Which of the following is the second highest award for individual gallantry in Bangladesh? Bir Uttom

৭৪. To migrate from least development country to be a developing country Gross national income Per capita of a country has to be —–Dollar? 1230 Dollar

৭৫. Which article of the constitution of Bangladesh establishes the fundamental rights to education for all? 17

পরীক্ষার প্রশ্ন নিচেঃ